- About
Rainbow Trust Family Support Workers help families experiencing isolation and loneliness, so they don’t have to cope alone.
With your help from 24 to 27 November we aim to reach our target of raising £200,000 in just 72 hours to support 100 new children and families. Thanks to the generosity of a group of donors and companies we have already raised an amazing £100,000 offline and it is these generous donations which will be used to match yours. Donate today and be a part of this important support to families.
Rainbow Trust Family Support Workers help is tailored to the needs of each family living with childhood illness, helping them practically and emotionally as they adapt to and navigate their new worrying and difficult reality, when they may be feeling completely isolated and lonely.
Bea’s Story
Bea suffered heart failure and cardiac arrest at 15 months old, she needed a heart transplant.
Bea stayed in hospital for 14 months waiting for a heart transplant. During that time Cheryl and Terry, Bea’s mum and dad, took it in turns to be with her as Bea’s life depended on a mechanical heart. Rainbow Trust Family Support Worker Monica visited and played with Bea in the hospital, allowing her mum and dad to have some respite and to care for Bea’s sibling Eliza.
A Rainbow Trust Family Support Worker can be a lifeline, a connection to normality, a person who understands the family and knows what they are going through, a translator for medical terms, a companion to difficult hospital appointments, an entertainer of healthy brothers and sisters to give time to the parents to look after their seriously ill child. They are there when they feel they can’t cope, they can’t carry on.
Thank you for your generosity. We can’t do it without you and with you families aren’t alone.
(*) If you are donating over £5,000 please call us on 01372 220083. Thank you.
t: 01372 220083 | e: [email protected] | Registered Charity Number: 1070532 | rainbowtrust.org.uk
Thank you to our match funders
- Antonia and Mike Hussey
- Simon Mobey
- Jeremy Helsby
- Ernest Kleinwort Charitable Trust
- Salon Privé
- Samsic UK
- Almacantar
- Anonymous donors